Advertising: Who Cares?

Advertising: Who Cares?

The advertising industry has become a place where machines have replaced people, jobs have become soul-less, and data is treated as royalty – this before AI gets into its stride. Much present-day advertising is ineffective, inefficient, unaccountable,...
Supercharge Marketing Performance in the Cookieless Era

Supercharge Marketing Performance in the Cookieless Era

The cookieless era is upon us, and the time to act is now. What many see as a challenge, is instead potentially a catalyst to enhance business performance according to some.  Organisations that have made the shift to first-party data collaboration are achieving...
Should You Be Using TikTok For B2B Marketing?

Should You Be Using TikTok For B2B Marketing?

B2B marketers are increasingly targeting younger, digital-first audiences on social media platforms, as noted in Insider Intelligence’s  B2B Digital Ad Spend Forecast 2023 report. While LinkedIn and Meta will account for a combined 42.2% of US B2B digital ad...
The Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2024

The Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2024

The days of CEOs steering the ship solo are gone; it’s the consumers who hold the rudder now, directing brands toward personal, lightning-fast, and engaging experiences. 2024 promises to be a whirlwind of trends that will shape how marketing plays out. Brandwatch has...
Over 60% of UK Marketers Believe Consumer Segmentation is Outdated and Oversimplified

Over 60% of UK Marketers Believe Consumer Segmentation is Outdated and Oversimplified

Over sixty per cent of UK marketers believe consumer segmentation – the categorisation of customers based on shared traits – is an outdated method of marketing, with 63% considering it totally unfit for purpose. That’s according to new research from enterprise...