Advertising: Who Cares?

Advertising: Who Cares?

The advertising industry has become a place where machines have replaced people, jobs have become soul-less, and data is treated as royalty – this before AI gets into its stride. Much present-day advertising is ineffective, inefficient, unaccountable,...
The Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2024

The Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2024

The days of CEOs steering the ship solo are gone; it’s the consumers who hold the rudder now, directing brands toward personal, lightning-fast, and engaging experiences. 2024 promises to be a whirlwind of trends that will shape how marketing plays out. Brandwatch has...
Everything You Wanted To Know About AI – But Were Afraid To Ask

Everything You Wanted To Know About AI – But Were Afraid To Ask

From chatbots to deepfakes, here is the lowdown on the current state of artificial intelligence. Barely a day goes by without some new story about AI, or artificial intelligence. The excitement about it is palpable – the possibilities, some say, are endless. Fears...
Where is Marketing Headed in 2023?

Where is Marketing Headed in 2023?

Where is marketing headed in 2023? Well, with the onset of new technologies, Instagram’s Reels-first strategy, the Metaverse, a cookie-less world, and many more changes and updates, one of the keywords for this year is “adapt”. Meltwater has studied algorithm updates,...